Most real estate transactions proceed fairly smoothly; minor disputes between the parties usually can be worked out with a little negotiation and compromise. However, consumers and REALTORS® sometimes find themselves confronted with disputes that they are unable to resolve by themselves.
Various alternatives exist for resolving disputes. One such method, which is growing rapidly in popularity, is arbitration. In fact, most real estate contracts, including those published by C.A.R., give the parties the option of agreeing up front to arbitrate disputes that might arise between them.
Arbitration is the term used to describe a form of dispute resolution that occurs outside of the court system. Basically, in arbitration the parties submit arguments and evidence to a neutral person, known as an arbitrator, who then renders a decision (which is called an “award”). Arbitration may be used to decide most types of claims, including actions for breach of contract, misrepresentation and fraud. The arbitration agreement in C.A.R. contracts, however, excludes certain matters from arbitration, including matters within the jurisdiction of a small claims, probate or bankruptcy court.
To File:
Read & Complete the Arbitration Complaint Form
Please email your typewritten statement of the circumstances that lead you to file for Arbitration. Also, you are encouraged to include copies of Disclosures, Contract, Purchase and Sales Agreements, MLS print outs or copies of email correspondence. All documents can be emailed to Nikki Vasquez
In addition to the credit card authorization form, please include a typewritten statement of the circumstances that lead you to file for Arbitration. Also, you are encouraged to include copies of Disclosures, Contract, Purchase and Sales Agreements, MLS print outs or copies of email correspondence
Once all the necessary information is received by the Association, a copy will be forwarded to the respondent(s) requesting a reply. Upon receipt of the reply at the Association; you will be sent a copy. You will be notified by email for all correspondence
For questions regarding Arbitration, contact Nikki Vasquez.