Moderate Income Purchase Assistance (MIPA) Program
Good news! The Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) announced that the citywide Moderate Income Purchase Assistance (MIPA) Homeownership Program has received a new allocation of $2.5 million. The MIPA Program assists first-time, moderate-income homebuyers purchase homes in the City of Los Angeles by providing subordinate, deferred-payment loans to cover the down payment, closing costs, and acquisition.
The MIPA Program maximum loan amount is up to $60,000 for households earning between 81%-120% of Area Median Income (AMI), and up to $35,000 for households earning between 121%-150% of AMI.
For more information about the MIPA Program, please visit:
*HCIDLA will be hosting a virtual Lender/Realtor Training session on its First-Time Homebuyer Programs on August 26, 2021. If you would like to attend that training session, please contact Ryan Ellefson at